Friday, August 14, 2009

The video from the service is available online

Thanks to my dad's wonderful boss and friend Stan, we now have the video available online for viewing. This was put together by Elena's step-father Vinnie, and it really captures and chronicles her extraordinary life.

Click here for a medium-quality version better for slower connections

Click here for a good-quality version better for faster connections


  1. Thank you for sharing, the video is beautiful.

  2. Thank you for posting this. She was a beautiful girl. A year ago Sunday I lost my own sister. I understand your loss to a degree I wish I didn't and there isn't a day that passes that I don't think of my sister and shake my head because I just can't believe she's gone. I wish you and your family all the peace you can find and the strength to endure.

    With love and understanding,

  3. I cant make it past the second minute of this video...


  4. I would really like to see this video if anyone has it. I cannot find my copy.
