Saturday, July 18, 2009

July 18th - the one-month mark

From Ron:

Elena enjoyed a peaceful day today and after yesterdays events it was a well deserved day of rest for her and all those who love her.


  1. Hi Ron and Family, we are keeping you in our prayers, be well Morgan Hertel

  2. I pray that this will be the week that she makes a turn towards recovery and stays on that path! My prayers and love for and to Elena and all who hold the vigil! Rita

  3. Thank God for His Mercy!
    All of you need and deserve a truce.

  4. Just wanted to pass along my well wishes and prayers for Elena and her family. I'm the sister of Cheryl and Dan Kittle, and you're in our family's prayers.

    I monitor this blog daily now and I can't wait for the day to hear the good news when her recovery takes a strong foothold and she's eventually back home again.


  5. Ron,

    I was reading the postings for your daughter. It brings tears to my eyes and sadness in my heart that your family is going through this. I will keep all of you in my prayers.
    Michelle Ames
