Thursday, July 2, 2009

July 2nd = Day 14

From Ron:
I've come to accept that it is inevitable that with the good comes the bad and today we suffered a bit of a setback. After three straight days of good stable conditions tonight the doctors had to put two chest tubes in Elena.

This afternoon Elena's X Rays showed a buildup of fluids and air in her chest surrounding her lungs. This required the placement of two chest tubes to remove air and fluids that is in her chest cavity but outside of her lungs. It is not uncommon for people on ventilators for an extended period. If the air is left in the chest it can collapse her lungs, again something that happens frequently. Her other problem is that right now her lungs are not as pliable as a healthy persons so a collapse would be more difficult to reverse.

The procedure went well and the results were almost immediate. After a see-saw afternoon her O2 saturation returned to safe levels

This is not all that bad and not unexpected. In fact I signed the authorization 10 days ago so if it was necessary there would be no delay. Lets just continue to think good thoughts and pray for a better day tomorrow.

As her father I wanted to say a special thank you to those that have been there daily. First, Elena's Mama (Elena) and stepfather Vinnie have been there from day one and between them and Mary and I we keep each other updated as well as propped up.

Mike and his family, and I mean the entire family, from parents and grandmother, to aunts and uncles are a daily fixture at the hospital. Maria (Mikes Mom) somehow knows half the hospital staff and we get things done and good information through her grapevine.

Elena's high school bud Heather arrives like lunch at mid day EVERY day to talk with her and read from the bible. This is a high level of commitment and no words can express our appreciation.

Elena's sisters Melissa (our blogmaster) and Laura her bedside companion, have come to town to be with her. Having them here provides me a level of comfort that allows me to rest knowing they are there and Elena is not alone. Besides a father can never get enough time with is kids even if they are all grown up.

Finally Jenette and Clarisa ,whose names I've probably misspelled, along with Heather and Elena are the fabulous four. Friends for life and a day.

I can't do this without mentioning my great wife Mary who, as always, is my rock.Because of Frankie and his hectic schedule she doesn't get to come to the hospital as much as she wants to but just having her makes it better for me.

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